The weather over the last few weeks has been pretty atrocious with one storm following rapidly after another. It has been impossible to get into the garden and do any tidying up. My list of jobs has remained static.
I have managed to change the lighting system over the dining table. It’s something I’ve been meaning to do for several years however I was forced into taking action when the track dropped off the ceiling. I replaced the old track with a longer one and got rid of the shade. This has been replaced with three lights consisting of simple bulbs. Getting the lamps level was challenging and it isn’t perfect. It took me over an hour to wire the first one because it was quite fiddly for a variety of reasons.
After having two trees removed alongside the drive the guys came in to remove the stumps. It requires a special bit of kit that grinds away at the stump. It does produce a significant pile of chippings. I’m using some of them to fill in the hole before laying turf on the top. It all takes time and it will be quite a while before the grass recovers after all the heavy equipment that has been over it.
There’s plenty more to be done before I’ve got on top of my to do list.