With only a few leaves left on the trees woodland walks can be magnificent. Last Sunday, after a wet, grey morning I took a walk on the circuit out of Market Rasen that crosses the railway line a couple of times before working its way through these wonderful beech trees. Most of the leaves have dropped now but the carpet of leaves is the epitome of autumnal colours. I did see a few people out but for this section I was completely alone.
The four and half mile walk was completed in just over an hour and I kept up a fast pace to get the heart pumping.
The squirrels are regular visitors to the garden. They enjoy chasing each other around the trees and burying nuts in the lawn and the pots. Dave next door regularly puts out peanuts for them in a box where they lift the lid and fill their mouth pouches. They then hide peanuts all over the place.
I do believe this one was munching on one of my bulbs. I’ve learned to live with the disturbance.
After two weeks I received the VR5 documents for the Porsche which meant I could add my personalised number plate. The process is so simple – go online enter the registration that is on hold, the details from the new VR5 and immediately the process is completed. Tax and MoT are automatically updated with the new registration.
Strangely I didn’t feel it was mine until it had the Pig Yard label. Physically swapping the plates should have been an easy job but like all “simple tasks” it took the best of the morning. The usual double sided stickers I use for number plates wouldn’t work because it was too cold so I decided to screw them on. This week has been great for taking a couple of drives with the roof down. Cold but refreshing.
My final task of the week was to make a frame for my strawberry bed. I had plenty of wood on the garage (see photo above) left over from the builders. The difficulty about putting it together was that it really needed two people but I didn’t want to waste anyone else’s time.
The plot isn’t square (more of a trapezium, “O” level geometry) so I couldn’t make the ends and sides equal length. I eventually got there. The joints need to be strengthened so I’ve bought some galvanised corner brackets. It looks good if you don’t get too close but it’s only for the garden, not cabinet making.
Hopefully next year I will get some strawberries and deprive the squirrels and birds from taking their share.
So that was wood for the strawberry frames under the Porche – for a moment I thought the sub-frame had dropped off….
Indeed the wood is left over from the builders over 6 years ago. It will come in handy for making beekeeping bits.
I think the Porsche subframe is made of wood like the Morgan 😉
And please stop calling it a Porch! 😀