Bee Adventurous…

A trip down to my ex work colleague and beekeeping friend Gary in Banbury to collect my very first bee colony. We spent the morning inspecting his hives with me following his instructions and learning so much along the way. How to hold and turn the frames whilst inspecting to make sure the nectar drying in the cells doesn’t ooze out, when to smoke and of course finding the queen. We talked non stop all day about bees, how to avoid swarming and making sure the hive is happy.

Getting into and out of the suit is a lesson in itself.


The journey back with the bees closed up in the hive was relatively straightforward although I did stop off at Leicester Forest East services to spray them with water to keep them cool. In the last couple of miles I noticed a cluster of bees on the back window and was worried they had found a way out but it was only a few escapees – nothing serious.

The hive was quickly lifted into position on its stand in the garden. Once I removed the tape over the entrance they came rushing out for fresh air only to find very unfamiliar territory and none of their known landmarks. They spent the rest of the day flying around the entrance with a few venturing further afield. I think it will take several days for them to settle and start bringing in fresh pollen. I shall be watching them very carefully over the coming week.

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