I’ve travelled to the Highlands for a relaxing time being looked after by Tony and Jude.
A visit here wouldn’t be complete without a run out in the Caterham. The roads are so twisty and the scenery is truly beautiful. So many ups and downs unlike the plains of Lincolnshire.
Of course it’s Scotland so going to a Scotch distillery is essential however this time I was not going for the alcohol but for the architecture. The Macallan distillery visitor centre has just opened in a new building and what a superb building it is.
It probably wasn’t the best year to plant a turf roof when it has been so dry it has struggled to develop as the architect, no doubt, envisaged. My brother described it as a line of tortoises however it is more impressive than that.
To earn my keep I helped Tony to cut backing boards for picture frames that he had been making over the past week.
At the end of the afternoon he had cut up all he needed and we loaded them into the back of his car to be taken to the print studio where he makes fine prints.