The Garden Blooms

After the wettest spring for many years I’ve been round the garden to capture the state of the flower beds. A week ago, apart from the Daffodils there wasn’t a great deal going on but suddenly it’s started to burst into life (along with the weeds). Looking back to early April 2017 I estimate most things have been delayed by at least two weeks but you can judge for yourself…

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4 Responses to The Garden Blooms

  1. Steve says:

    That’s the first time anyone has ever said that to me ;-). To be fair, I’m only maintaining the legacy that Jane created in the last 18 months of her life.

  2. GaryT says:

    The local bees will enjoy those flowers.

    • Steve says:

      I’ve got a lot of bumble bees dying on my front door step at the moment and I’m not sure why – poor things. Looking forward to seeing your hive in action (and I’m not talking heating controls).

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