The only constant in life is change…
I try to keep an open mind about my attitudes, preferences and habits. These include the language that I use; for example it was pointed out to me recently that I use the phrase “for sure” a lot instead of saying certainly or definitely. I’m trying to avoid it “for sure”.
Ever since I was a child I’ve avoided eating cheese and used excuses like I was allergic or simply didn’t like it. I recently tried some cheese out of curiosity and liked it. I now believe that my “dislike” was a childhood rebellion that stuck with me without any rational cause. Cheese is now on the menu although I should be careful how much I eat because it isn’t good for cholesterol levels. No point in taking statins to reduce cholesterol and then adding more.
As part of my drive down memory lane I shall be putting a link to my posts of ten years ago. At that time I used to blog once a month. To see what was happening then click here…