Not So Bad…

There’s something about Christmas that gives me some concerns. There’s an expectation that everything will be full of jollification and the best day of the year. Of course this is nonsense and simply a deep, psychological leftover from childhood.

This Christmas surpassed my expectations. I had a delightful dinner with friends (not saying who for fear of incriminating the innocent). I was served Boef en Croute with all the usual trimmings including brussel sprouts. There was a time when I wouldn’t eat a sprout but these days I’m happy to try new foods and I’ve discovered I quite like them. It made a pleasant change not to be cooking.

Dinner was washed down with my favourite wine – Barossa Ink Shiraz

And to smooth my way through the evening watching the usual Christmas TV, a glass of my favourite whiskey.

Throughout the year I drink very little (glass of beer with my Friday night curry) but I felt obliged to indulge on Christmas Day.

People say they don’t like whiskey but what they usually mean is they don’t like blended whiskey. A single malt like Laphroaig is very special.

Meanwhile the garden keeps getting the usual visitors. This greater spotted woodpecker has been on the bird feeder several times this week and usually he keeps to the far side but on this occasion he came around to give a good profile. Considering I was taking this photo on my phone at maximum zoom (10x) and through the utility room window it isn’t too bad.

I should keep my main camera and tripod closer to hand to capture this chappie when it next visits.

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