My decision to move my mobile and broadband service provider to PlusNet there was full of trepidation because there is so much to go wrong and I depend on my communication devices to remain sane. I might not be physically surrounded by people but email, WhatsApp, Twitter, Internet and this blog keep me in contact with so many people that I rely on the it. It’s almost as if without these contacts I would cease to exist – bit melodramatic but you get the gist. I have to say everything ran very smoothly in terms of the changeover. My landline and broadband went down at 11am and was back up on the new providers network (BT OpenReach because that’s what everyone uses) before 12pm. With a new router I had to reconnect my computers, tablet, Sonos speakers and mobile phone but that worked fine. I still haven’t got Amazon Echo working or the Wemo electric sockets up and running but that’s just a case of applying myself.
I spent a pleasant afternoon at the hospice garden. I hoped I had handed the maintenance over to the volunteer gardeners however it seems they aren’t very good at gardening and when I took Ruth to see Jane’s garden it was in a neglected state. As a wildflower garden there are some species that are more expansive than others so the oxeye daisies and vetches have gone rogue. I strimmed back the ground cover and trimmed the Yew balls but there is plenty left to do. The hedge needs trimming, introduce foxgloves which were originally around the silver birches and remove a good proportion of the oxeye daisies. I’m planning to go back next week. I sat there thinking what Jane would have done and then realised that if she was here I wouldn’t need to do this – circular thinking never takes you forward.
To counter my hardworking afternoon at the hospice garden I met up with my college friends Tim and Wid at Barton Upon Humber the following day. The Rope Walk has a lovely cafe with an art gallery and shop. While browsing through the shop I spotted this delightful linocut and was immediately smitten. The simplicity of the work epitomises what I like in artwork.
I had a great time with Tim and Wid, putting the country back on track over lunch, and generally sharing news and views.