Gig and Gallery

An overnight stay in Nottingham to see Wildwood Kin at the Bodega night club. Here I am rapidly approaching 70 and I’m spending my evening in a crowded bar, standing up for over 2 hours. It was a great evening with an excellent support act Ferris and Sylvester.

I don’t think you can beat good live music. It lays down incredible memories that can be drawn upon, time and time again.

When in Nottinghamshire it’s worth visiting the Harley Gallery on the Welbeck Estate outside Worksop. I’ve been there several times over the last few years and even if the gallery doesn’t have a show on, which it usually does, brunch at the cafe is incredibly good, the service is excellent (the manager greets you as if you visit every day) and the flat white coffee is superb (I had two).

As it was the gallery had an interesting display by Sylvie Franquet with a very female oriented theme. And of course it is impossible not to wander around the garden centre next door with a final scout around in the farm shop. Like all farm shops the food is of very high quality and the prices reflect that.

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