World’s End Film

worlds-end-film(jul13)The trailers and interviews with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost enticed us into going to the cinema on a sunny summer’s evening to see their latest and possibly last joint effort – The World’s End which is a reference to a pub.

Simon Pegg takes the lead as Gary King who contrives to get four old school mates together after 20 years to undertake a rerun of their last attempt to pub crawl around 12 pubs in one evening. Whereas everyone else has moved on with their lives, Gary has been stuck in a time warp and possibly a mental institution (but never explicitly stated). Needless to say things don’t go as planned and the pub crawl becomes very much allied to Shaun of the Dead with a sci-fi twist.

There were parts where the action was “laugh out loud” funny and we did, some was cringe worthy and yet other parts were just too silly and fell flat. Better than Shaun of the Dead but not as good as Hot Fuzz.  Overall it wasn’t a great film but would make a good film to watch on TV – it would have to be shown after 9pm because there is wall to wall swearing throughout.

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