The opera at Glyndebourne was a complete unknown to us. We were told it was a black tie and posh frock event so we got into our best kit and turned up with plenty of fizzy wine. a picnic and open minds.
We had plenty to drink before hand so we were quite relaxed. The box we had was very versatile because we could move the seats around – Nicola was concerned that the view would be obscured but we had perfect sight of all the stage. The story was easy enough to follow, after all it was an Italian farce. At the interval we came out to eat our picnic which Jane had prepared earlier.
More wine was consumed before returning for the second half. It was without doubt a memorably enjoyable evening. Would we do it again? Well possibly because of the ritualised dressing up and overall atmosphere. The opera was “interesting” but possibly not engaging enough to become a regular thing.