Pig Yard @ Cessnock & The Hunter Valley - November 2005
After a week in Tasmania we took
our Virgin Blue flight into Sydney airport where we met up with Dave &
Lucie. We didn't realise that it was a two hour drive from their home in
Cessnock to Sydney - somehow we'd gotten the impression that it was only an
hour away. It seems that Dave & Lucie have got into the Australian habit of
being prepared to travel vast distances.
It was great to see them again at
the airport and I don't think we stopped talking during the whole two hour
journey. |
our way to Cessnock from the airport we stopped off at The Entrance on the
coast to see the daily feeding of the pelicans.
The woman on the microphone had been taking lessons from Hitler and was
threatening anyone who dared to stand up or move whilst the birds were
being fed. Whilst we were watching from the back she told two people to
leave because they had stood up to take a photo.
is a large town but it has no saving graces in terms of its architecture.
Although there were a number of streets with Jacaranda trees in flower which
transformed the rows of houses into something quite magical.
Dave & Lucie are standing in the foreground with their Toyota Corrola
behind them.
first visit to a winery was the Rothbury estate where we stopped for a
Sunday morning coffee and scrunptious cake.
These barrels are purely decorative as the real wine making takes
place in a factory behind the visitor centre. Most vineyards cater for
visitors as well as providing space for business conferences and other
corporate facilities.
were taken on a trip to the coast to witness the delights of Shoal Bay. As
always we just had to stop for coffee and cake.
Shoal Bay can be seen in the background and after our break we drove a
little further round the bay and climbed the steep hill you can just see
in the background of this photo. This was one of the stops where the
company and view were so good we could have completely relaxed and
stayed there all day.
does voluntary work on Friday's for the local zoo so she managed to
arrange a special visit for us before it was opened to the public. Jane
found herself bottle feeding this baby Kangaroo. Baby is a bit of a
misnomer because this animal was very large and heavy. It finished the
bottle in no time at all. When Jane came to put him back in the area
where he lived he was insistent that he was going to get down and find
his own way into his enclosure and she wasn't going to argue.
& Lucie are renting a lovely, two bedroom home that is in a quiet area
of Cessnock. The small group of four houses are quite new. It is very
easy to maintain with a modern open plan interior.
Strangely all of the houses we visited in Australia tend to have
separate toilets from the bathrooms and therefore you have to always go
to the bathroom to wash your hands afterwards.
The wide overhanging roof is
commonplace because it keeps the sunlight out of the house thereby making it
cooler inside.
weather wasn't as good as we hoped - there was no flight on the Monday
morning (gave us an excuse to stay in bed) but we were up at 04:00 on
the Tuesday to have our first flight. We had to meet up at the Balloon
Aloft site first before heading out to the chosen launch site. Dave is
now an even better pilot, if that's possible, than when he was flying in
the UK. They don't tend to fly in fast wind conditions but they do have
to assess wind direction and select a launch site that will bring them
in to one of their regular landing sites.
flight was slow but delightful as the sunrise started to burn off the
few clouds that were still around. After floating serenely alongside two
other balloons we eventually started our descent into the Rothbury
estate. We approached over some vines before coming to rest in a grass
field. Dave did manage to clip one of the posts holding up a row of
vines but he did no damage and the punters loved it. We all helped to
pack away before heading back to the Balloon Aloft offices where the
passengers had Australian sparkling wine (they called it champagne but
we all knew it wasn't).
guided tour at the Tyrrells winery came highly recommended and it lived
up to its reputation. The tour was informative and good humoured, the
wine tasting afterwards was impressive and we all had plenty to drink.
We even bought some very expensive wine but unfortunately never had the
time to drink it but we're sure Dave & Lucie will be toasting us with it
when they celebrate some worthy event.
are so neat and tidy they hold a special attraction for Steve who loves
to see things neatly set out in rows. This vineyard was particularly
impressive as it was set out in segments on the hill surrounding the
farmhouse. Long morning shadows added to the overall effect of light and