Martin & Kate's Wedding...

We would like to announce the wedding of Mr Martin Philip Weaver and Ms Mary Katherine Widdall which took place on Thursday 10th January at Hopton Hall Derbyshire. The event was organised by the Wright's and Cherry's.
Reverend Nick Wright was presiding over the ceremony and keeping everyone under control. The bride was wearing her brand new stripy top and leftover Christmas items as a head-dress. The groom was wearing a navy blue bow tie (ribbon borrowed from the Christmas tree) and muscle-hugging, black T shirt.
I, Slowhand Weaver have been manipulated into the position to take you Yo Bitch Widdall to be my unlawful wedded shipmate, earth mother, saviour of the world, recycling queen, eco warrior, and organic gardener of Nether Heyford. With this bijou ring I thee wed, with my body I will warm all your extremities. With my guitar I will serenade you until deaf do us part. With my pencil I will only draw your best features. I promise to sustain you throughout your alimentary canals and to keep you in the Dark.
Yo bitch Widdall do dare to take Slowhand Weaver to be my unlawful wedded galley slave; captain and builder of the unsinkable maritime home, vacuum wielder, artist, world known musician, (not forgetting the vinyl once exchanged for £1,800), and geriatric DJ.With this ball and chain I thee wed, with my body I promise shags at any time and with my forthcoming windfall I promise to buy you a Kit car as endorsed by my financial advisor and surrogate father. I Will also consider the remote controlled helicopter.
On this very "serious occasion" some people couldn't control themselves namely the official photographer, Jane caught not taking pictures, and the surrogate mother of the bride wearing the new hat bought especially for the event.
One of the bridesmaids, the surrogate father/financial advisor after giving away (selling) the bride and Val a key member of the wedding organisation conspiracy.

The wedding cake was purchased from a bakery at Wirksworth (or is that Wicksworth?) and the two characters found in a dolls house shop.

Celebratory glasses especially purchased for the occasion. The quantity of wine consumed prior, during and after the celebration was considerable. Eventually we ran out of wine and we had to turn to other substances for a bit of a lift (food).

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